Seitan Supercharger Pizza

Serves 4 • Prep 120 min • Cooking 15 min
Get this Stuff
For the pizza dough (or use ready-to roll pizza dough)
  • 1 tbsp/15g instant dried yeast
  • 450ml lukewarm water
  • 700g bread flour (plus extra for dusting)
  • 1 tbsp sea salt
  • 20ml extra virgin olive oil
For the crust
  • 2 tbsp garlic puree
  • 200g grated mozzarella/vegan mozzarella
  • Large handful jalapenos, roughly chopped
  • 100g softened butter/vegan butter
For the rest
  • 225g Pepperoni Seitan, thinly sliced
  • Semolina for dusting hot stone/baking tray
  • 400g pizza sauce
  • 250g mozzarella torn into chunks/grated vegan mozzarella
  • Jalapenos (as many or few as you would like to add)
  • 2 tsp chilli flakes (optional)
To serve (optional)
  • Garlic mayo/vegan alt for dunking
Do this stuff
  1. If making your own dough, start by mixing your yeast in lukewarm water and leave for 5 mins. In a large bowl mix your flour and salt before adding your warm yeast mixture and bringing together to form a dough.
  2. Lightly flour your surface and knead your dough for 10 mins. Oil the bottom of your dough bowl, pop the dough back in and drizzle the top with a little more oil before covering with a damp tea towel and popping in a warm area for 30 mins until doubled in size.
  3. Divide into 4 balls, drizzle each with a little more oil and set on a tray covered with a damp tea towel in a warm area for a further 15-20 mins until doubled in size.
  4. Meanwhile, mix all crust ingredients in a bowl with a pinch of salt and pepper and pop to one side. Heat your oven to 240C/220C fan/gas 9. Pop a couple of pizza stones/large baking trays inside your oven to heat.
  5. Meanwhile, lightly flour your surface and hands and stretch out your pizza balls, working from the centre out, use your fingertips to press the dough into a small, flat disc. Keep pushing the dough outwards to enlarge the disc. Pick up the dough and, holding it gently along the edge, “steer” it in a circle, allowing gravity to pull it evenly downwards until at the correct size. Repeat with all dough balls.
  6. Sprinkle another pizza stone/baking tray with semolina and place a dough base centrally on it, ensuring the dough can move around freely. Take 1/4 of your crust filling and create a ring around the outside edge of the pizza base, leaving 1/2cm gap between the edge. Brush a little water inside the filling ring then fold over the outside edge to enclose the mozzarella and create a stuffed crust. Press firmly to stick the dough in place. Take 1/4 of your pizza sauce and evenly spread on your pizza followed by 1/4 of the mozzarella/vegan alt, 1/4 of your Tofoo pepperoni slices, 1/4 jalapenos, 1/4 chilli flakes (if using).
  7. Slide onto the hot tray/pizza stone in the oven and cook for 15 mins, ensuring to turn half-way. Repeat all actions within step 6 with remaining pizzas when ready to cook and get dipping that supercharged crust in garlic mayo!


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