• About Tofoo
  • October 13, 2018

New Tip Cards Alert

Tofoo Curious? Tofoo Lover? Tofoo Expert? You’re all Tofoo Legends to us. And even the most advanced Tofoo Master needs a handy tip from time to time. Or a tasty new recipe idea. Which is why we now include a tip card in every pack of Naked, Smoked and Oriental Tofoo you buy from the shelves.

We change them from time to time – but at the mo we have four different cards in pack. The CRUMBS card gives tips on how to breadcrumb your Tofoo for an extra crunchy bite. MARINADE LIKE A BOSS gives all Tofoo Lovers an idea of how to marinade if that’s your thing. And then we have two new recipe cards that the guys at Mob Kitchen made for us – Tofoo Katsu and Black Pepper Tofoo.

We’ve started making cards collectable with numbers on the sides. We’re not going all Pokémon on you – but see how many you can collect and let us know when you’ve got one of each of the new cards. We’ve heard on the grapevine (or Instagram mainly) that lots of you love the new recipes. Keep your eyes peeled for them – and send in your ideas of what you would like to see on cards next time around!