• News
  • August 7, 2017

Mob Collaboration

The Tofoo Co. has teamed up with online publisher Mob Kitchen to create a series of 5 delicious recipes brought to life in one minute “how to” food videos.

Every video recipe feeds 4 people for under £10 and is creatively brought to life with some groovy music. So you can swing your hips too!

Each Monday for the next 3 weeks we will be sharing one of our 3 delicious recipes.  This week, we have brought one of our favourite dishes to life – Sweet Potato & Tofoo Curry with Cauli Rice. Yum!

So, click play below, watch, get super hungry and super inspired and get cooking!

Oh, and make sure you come back and visit us next Monday for the next yummy Tofoo creation.

Oh, and make sure you come back and visit us next Monday for the next yummy Tofoo creation.